Console Application – Connecting to CRM

To connect to CRM via console application, First we need to add the references to our Solution. Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client and Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; from our CRM SDK bin folder. From the .Net sources browse for System.ServiceModel, System.Web.Services and System.Runtime.Serialization and add to the solution. Now we are set right to start coding. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;… Continue reading Console Application – Connecting to CRM

How to decrease the height of “Notes Control” in CRM 2011????

How to decrease the height of “Notes Control” in CRM 2011???? First, we need to get the notes control ID as var notes=document.getElementById(“notescontrol”); after this, specify the attributes for the control to increase or decrease the height of the control as,”height:130px;width:90px”; To achieve this, we need to remove the existing CRM provided notes control… Continue reading How to decrease the height of “Notes Control” in CRM 2011????